
Friday 29 January 2016

Plane text game feedback

Needs a more diverse story and could be longer. More interesting endings are needed. The theme is good but the back story could be told more. The twine software could add random events (e.g plane crashing or not in addition to when you run out of fuel.

-Added a backstory card.
-Added a new ending

Thursday 21 January 2016

Text Game reactions

The ones we love alive
Very immersive and other worldly. It seemed as if I was missing some greater meaning though. Although it wasn't a game as you couldn't really interact much. (feeling of false choice was common)

The Domovoi
Again immersive and mythical. I really enjoyed the setting and how mysterious but rooted in reality it was. I enjoyed the slightly creepy undertones. It is a game as you can interact and change the outcome.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Board game feedback

Cards being paper cuased some problems: 

They were hard to handle

You could say through them (allowing cheating)

Cards could be hard to handle

In addition to this:

Some characters were not well known outside our group

Cards font was to small and hard to read sometimes

Cars holders did not match cards asthetic

Thursday 7 January 2016

Board game

  • Rules not clear enough and also too long. (Could be clearer)
  • Good until the cards repeat cycle then it becomes boring and repetitive. 
  • needs more and more varied cards.
  • Fast paced
  • The board didn't fit the theme. 
  • The board needed a different ratio of  bad to chance areas. (more chance than bad). 
  • Especially liked the swap card. (swap positions on the board)
  • Game could last for ages with the amount times you could reset (1:5 'bad cards')
What I would change using the feedback:

I would defiantly add more cards. In addition to this the cards would be more varied. The board would also change with there being less red blocks are more green so the ratio is equal.  I would also theme the board to be more viking themed (add viking ships or treasure chests) As it was too simplistic to fit a viking theme.

What I have learned about making games:
  • Play testing is a must. (we didn't do enough so we didn't see that we needed more cards)
  • There needs to be a constant theme.
  • Never assume that players are going to understand what you have written, (Just because it makes sense in your mind doesn't mean it makes sense to them)
  • Try and make the rules as simple and easy to understand as possible.