
Friday 27 November 2015

Game Improvements

- Make Level long
-Add more levels
-Change the Win
-Add collisions tom side platforms
-Add more /varied obsitcles

Monday 23 November 2015

Game Salad Jump

Firstly I applied gravity to the player by creating a verticle downwards accelration to it. This means if it is constantly accelerating down until it collides with another object (In my case the ground).

Then I created a attribute called IsOnGround which allowed me to check if Player 1 is on the ground. This meant that Player one can only jump if he is on the ground. We did this by creating a rule to say that if player one is colliding with the ground (if it is true)  he could jump.
We created the jump through a simple 'If space is pressed' Change velocity to 200 vertically. Meaning he moves up then slows down and gets pushed down by gravity

Sunday 22 November 2015

Character Ideas

Speed Focused Character

Has momentum so can jump between far platforms but also takes time to slow down. The challange comes from obstacles he cant hit or maybe the edge or levels.

Jet-pack Guy

Can use a jetpack for a limited time to navigate areas. (e.g Pharah from overwatch). The time aspect would make this a tricky game allowing aiming aspects. The jet pack could also be directional (e.g low gravity)

Icarus/ Wing or boost flying character

He has lots of ability at the start of the level but as he works his way up they reduce due to his wings melting. (E.g Double jump) or glide.

Platformer Research (Characters)

Super Meatboy
Running backwards and forwards (left and right on screen)

Sprinting to gain speed and momentum for jumps

Wall Jump allows you to jump off walls

Wall slide allows you to slide down walls slower than you would fall

Long and short jumping

Thomas Was Alone

Moving Backwards and forwards



Running. Jumping, Climbing (when you almost reach a  ledge) and tricks.

Thursday 19 November 2015

MoneySieze vs Donkey Kong

One key difference between the two games are the controllable character. In MoneySieze the character has several key control characteristics. For example Sir Reginald MoneySize the 2nd has the ability to double jump, wall jump, kill enemies while jumping on them and control whilst mid-jump. In contrast 'Jumpman'  from Donkey kong could not control mid air and had his jump abilities limited to just a standard jump to avoid barrels.  Moneysieze allows more freedom in its movement set allowing far more complicated levels whilst Donkey Kong is limited.

Monday 16 November 2015

Four Building Blocks of Gamesalad

Scenes are just levels. For example The Large black box is the 'Scene' where my pong game takes place.

Actors are just objects in your scene. For example all the coloured boxes are actors which interact with each other.

Rules are like IF statements. For example in this screenshot I am telling GameSalad that if I press down on the keyboard. It will do something.

Behaviors are properties or behaviors of an object usually caused by rules. For example a behavior of  ball is it collides with my wall (they are both actors.